$249.00 AUD

August Container

The Nurtured Beginning's August Container is focused grounding and educating women, providing them with various tools to tap into their intuition, into their bodies. We offer limited container openings per year.

We kick off on 11th August 2024, so if you are Pregnant and looking for deeper connection to self, supportive was to nourish yourself and your baby, if you want to ground yourself in rituals to take into motherhood, and be wrapped in support so deeply- this is for you.

What you get:

  • Group Container Welcome Call including an incredibly potent Meditation
  • Our Online Holistic Pregnancy Course
  • Monthly Sacred Mumma Circles 
  • Connect to our Sacred Village Online Community
  • PLUS 1x  1:1 private call with Aroha or Bree, (Holistic Mummas + Founders of Nurtured Beginnings) including a personalised Meditation. We will meet you where you are at, we will support you, and hold your hand as you walk this journey through pregnancy, birth and postpartum. 

The course includes: 

  •  Evidence Based Nutrition recommendations - nutritional needs for each trimester plus 40+ recipe cards! 
  •  How to make meal planning EASY for postpartum 
  •  Various Meditations, Birth Mantras, Birth playlist 
  •  Shamanic Cacao Ceremony
  •  Emotional regulation practises (eft tapping etc) 
  •  Yoga
  •  Postpartum rituals like Breathwork etc 
  •  Journal prompts for motherhood + birth 
  •  Matrescence knowledge bombs
  •  Natural tools for labour
  • +more 

Guest Webinars: 

  •  Intro into Breastfeeding and colostrum expressing with Doula/ Lactation Consultant 
  •  Home birth and all the stats with a Shamanic Birth Keeper 
  •  Preparing for postpartum (two separate webinars) Traditional Chinese Medicine Woman perspective + a Postpartum Doula perspective
  •  Postpartum depletion recommendations, signs and symptoms with a Naturopath 
  •  Eating to support your pregnant body + body during breastfeeding with a Clinical Nutritionist
  •  Navigating changes to our relationship after baby, with a Relationship and Matrescence Life Coach 
  •  How our hormones effect us in birth and postpartum, with a Psychology Researcher 
  •  How to communicate with baby's soul, and calling baby's soul to earth in birth, with Baby Soul Communicator 
  • Melissa Mellifont educating on vaccination detox and the power of Homeopathy!

Sacred Mumma Circles

  • 18 September - Full Moon, Spring Equinox, honouring the light and dark 
  • 3 October - New Moon, Heart Opening Meditation and practises 
  • 16 November - Full Moon Manifesting practise, Abundance in motherhood
  • 1 December - New Moon, Grounding + Centering Meditation

If this sounds like the support you need, jump in now- you have nothing to loose, and only Holistic Pregnancy Support to gain.